Monday, January 31, 2011

yeast Breast infection

Yeast is a fungus, the group is able to the body, including but not limited to the skin of the foot, the language (in particular areas of the skin fold), nails, take breasts and vagina for multiple items. Yeast infection can occur as candidiasis, to all persons without discrimination on grounds of age and gender. Yeast that is a virus for humans of different types of Candida albicans is the most common variety.

Usually developed the yeast on the body without medical symptoms. When the body but the system in force and sudden changes in the environment, certain areas of the body such as the various symptoms as a result. Milk yeast infection is, for example, more common among the companies that entrusted with mothers. The reason is often created for the irrigation of nipples in a favourable condition for the proliferation of yeast. Read what infection of yeast and yeast infection types.

Yeast infection symptoms of breast cancer

Yeast infection symptoms, with the chest, unusual sensitivity and tenderness start nipples. A vulnerability in the nipples may become dry and itching, yeast infection caused it. Yeast infection of the skin to release is sometimes present. Infection yeast, as soon as swelling and burning equal to or greater than a sense of other damage. In cases of severe infection, pain in at least two breasts.

In some cases the yeast infection or lactating is exactly, nipples because baby Sammas infection through oral (mouth yeast infection) causes. Yeast in mother and baby foot zones knows small lesions appear infection. Yeast infection can result in any case the mother and the baby of complications. Therefore ensure that the symptoms are managed by a doctor. For more information about Sammas babies and untreated yeast infection.

Chest of yeast infection cure

As mentioned, yeast infection breasts is contagious and can spread through the skin directly or through other indirect mechanisms. Thus, the breastfeeding mother can oral throw baby with breast milk yeast infection of Sammas. To avoid such a situation should as soon as possible the milk breast treatment and diagnosis of yeast infection. If you identify at an early stage, yeast infection in the chest of OTC antifungal creams can be treated. Read more about yeast infection treatment.

Need for breastfeeding mothers antifungal creams, extra care, because this baby's safety. Don't forget to pass the ointment by a label of the yeast infection in the breasts. The cream should be used to prevent repeated infection after a breast milk yeast infection sign disappears. If symptoms resolve after topical creams, a doctor may prescribe oral antifungal lifestyle.

For more information about the yeast infection treatments and the home remedies you can find:

How to prevent yeast infections
Yeast infection home remedies

With the exception of the topical antifungal creams with a yeast infection that frequently wash hands oral life to cure breast cancer cancer of personal hygiene and keep the nipples dry monitor after the nursing and bathing water is enabled. Also included in the diet, limiting the yogurt, foods that are very sweet and those based on yeast. Yeast is proposed to keep the environment clean and dry, (if possible) to avoid infection in the chest, and above all, follow the tips to care as directed by the physician.

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